Corrections Policy

With this Corrections Policy, Holland For Kansas portal updates (henceforth referred to as “” / “We” / “Us” / “Our”) would like to notify you about the remedial steps We employ in case if We discover that some erroneous information has been published on Our Website. We understand that we owe it to our readers to correct any mistakes, and we also agree that we must inform you of the corrections as fast as possible.


With all the facts and figures at our disposal at the moment of posting, is eager to give its readers accurate and comprehensive news updates. As soon as we become aware of a mistake or misleading information in any article or story published on Our Website, We take every action to properly and fastly fix it. Being an online news platform, we provide an explanation of the corrections made as well as the specifics of the inaccuracy in our article. If we make a significant error that might lead to the dissemination of false information, we will promptly and sincerely apologize to our readers.

Revising a Report

We try to make it a regular habit to put notes about an updated story. When We change an article to add remarks or updates from a stakeholder, or when We fix a substantial error, it is crucial for Us to notify readers through an editor’s note, correction, or explanation. When an inaccuracy is discovered during Our fact-check (which is conducted in compliance with Our Fact-Check Policy, which is accessible at [“Fact-Check Policy”]), We amend the article to reflect the new information. We also provide readers the opportunity to suggest corrections at the bottom of every story, and we encourage our community members to report corrections to


When we make compelling changes to a headline, web portal, photo caption, blog, or any other sort of information, we promptly issue a correction outlining why the change was necessary.


We rewrite the content and add explanation to the narrative when our information is not completely accurate but the language we used to express those facts isn’t as clear or thorough as it should be. A clarification is also used to indicate that We have now incorporated a remark or answer to the article that We did not initially seek, or that Our version of an event has changed in light of fresh reporting.

Editor’s Remarks

An editor’s note and an explanation of the matter at hand may be necessary for a correction that raises serious ethical concerns or casts doubt on the article’s whole content. When adding an editor’s note to a piece, a senior editor gives the okay.

Additional Policies for Corrections

If a reader points out a mistake and posts it to the comment stream, our editing staff can reply with a note indicating the correction. If we are unable to change the inaccurate information, we retract it. We don’t place the responsibility on specific reporters or editors, saying things like “because of an editing error” or “because of a reporting error.”

Declaring errors in

Please use the Contact Us page located at the bottom of our website to get in touch with our editorial team if you think any of the content we’ve published is incorrect. Additionally, you may contact or drop us an email at

Removal Requests

We are willing to look into any accusations made by the subject that the piece was erroneous and, if required, to issue an update. When justice requires an update or follow-up on Our earlier coverage, We provide it, taking into account if more editorial action is necessary, but We don’t take down the piece and treat it as if it never happened. We only consider removal requests for publicly available personal data if the individual in question is in danger of bodily harm as a result of the material’s presence comply with take-down demands. We are willing to look into any accusations made by the subject that the piece was erroneous and, if required, to issue an update. When justice requires an update or follow-up on Our earlier coverage, We provide it, taking into account if more editorial action is necessary, but We don’t take down the piece and treat it as if it never happened. We only consider removal requests for publicly available personal data if the individual in question is in danger of bodily harm as a result of the material’s presence.